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Flies Fact Sheet


Infestation Identification: There are many different species of flies which may be found in premises, the most common are; Bluebottle flies, Cluster Flies, Crane Flies, Filter Flies, Fruit Flies and House Flies.

Bluebottle flies are a metallic blue colour and are 2cm to 5cm long. The larva is a creamy white colour and between 11mm to 12mm long.

Cluster flies are usually dark grey with golden brown hairs on their thorax and are 6mm to 10mm long. The larva is creamy white and 8mm to 10mm long

Crane flies are usually called Daddy Long Legs, they are either brown or grey in colour and are 50mm to 65mm long with a very slim body and legs. The larva are brown, cream or grey in colour and 15mm to 70mm long.

Filter flies are grey or light brown in colour and 2mm to 3mm long. The larva is 4mm to 5mm long and are creamy white with a dark strip on the back.

Fruit flies are brown or yellow or a mottled colour, with bright red eyes and are 3mm to 4mm long. The larva is creamy white and is 1mm to 4mm long.

House flies are usually a black and golden-brown colour with stripes on its thorax with red eyes and are 5mm to 8mm long. The larva is creamy white colour and between 7mm to 8mm long.


Common Names: Calliphora Vomitoria (Bluebottle), Pollenia Rudis (Cluster), Tipulidae (Crane), Psychodidae (Filter), Drosophila (Fruit), Musca Domestica (House)


Diet: Different species of fly larva feed on different food stuffs, whereas the adults hardly feed.

Bluebottle flies prefer to feed on rotting food, dead animals and pet faeces.

Cluster fly larvae like to eat earthworms.

Crane fly larvae prefer to eat grass, fruits and vegetable which are growing.

Filter fly larvae are mainly known for feeding on sludge in drains and similar places.

Fruit fly larvae feed on fruits, vegetables and decaying food stuffs.

House fly larvae will feed on any human or pet food and even faeces.


Habitat: Fly habitats depend on the species, although almost every species will find a place indoors to hibernate in the colder months, this will usually be in loft spaces, wall cavities or under floor boards.


Prevention: It is important to ensure that good hygiene is practised to avoid getting any type of fly infestation, for example; Keeping bins covered and emptying them daily. Cleaning up food stuff and liquid spills. Disposal of pet faecal matter. Another form of prevention is blocking off access holes where they can gain access. Fly screens on windows are also another effective way of keeping flies out of your premises.


Life Cycle: Almost all flies have the same life cycle. The female lays between 30 to 180 eggs at a time, depending on the species of fly, these eggs sometimes take only 10 hours to hatch into larvae which lasts for 2 to 14 days. After the larvae stage, is the pupation stage which takes 2 to 3 weeks until they emerge as adults and are ready to breed after just 2 weeks.  

Bluebottle Flies live for between 40 to 50 days.

Cluster Flies can live for up to 2 years.

Crane Flies only live for about 15 days.

Filter Flies live for 20 to 30 days.

Fruit Flies live for 40 to 50 days.

House Flies live between 7 to 40 days.


General Information: Flies can spread a number of diseases and cause serious illness, such as; Conjunctivitis, Dysentery and Food Poisoning, Gastroenteritis, Salmonella and in some cases Typhoid. All species of flies vomit saliva onto surfaces and sucking up the liquid, this is how the flies mainly spread diseases and illnesses because they usually do this where there is a food source which contaminates that area with the vomit and their feet.


Treatments: Fly traps are an effective way of trapping and monitoring fly infestations but they will not trap all of the flies. There are also fly sprays which can be purchased for amateur use, however these will only kill the flies which are sprayed with them. We recommend premises are fumigated with professional strength residual insecticide to fully eradicate fly infestations.


Quick Facts:

  •  Flies live from 7 days to 2 years depending on the species.

  • Some eggs hatch within 10 hours.

  • Flies can spread a number of diseases and cause serious illness, such as; Conjunctivitis, Dysentery and Food Poisoning, Gastroenteritis, Salmonella and in some cases Typhoid.

  • Almost every species will find a place indoors to hibernate and breed in the colder months.

  • All species of flies vomit saliva onto surfaces and sucking up the liquid.

  • The most common fly species are; Bluebottle flies, Cluster Flies, Crane Flies, Filter Flies, Fruit Flies and House Flies.

  • Flies contaminate everything that they come into contact with.

  • Fly traps are an effective way of trapping and monitoring fly infestations but they will not trap all of the flies.

  • Some flies in the UK grow to 65mm long.

  • The female lays between 30 to 180 eggs at a time, depending on the species.

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