Queen bees can lay up to 2500 eggs per day in the summer months and can live from anywhere between 9 months up to 5 years. Bees have 4 stages in their lives; egg, larvae, pupae and adult.

Honey Bee: They have 3 pairs of legs, 4 wings and 5 eyes, are 9mm to 18mm in size and are mainly black and golden yellow in colour. Bumblebee: These bees are very similar to the honey bee but are 11mm to 33mm in size, which is larger and furrier than the honey bee with golden yellow stripes on the end of their tails. Solitary Bee: They are again very similar to the honey and bumblebee and are between 6mm to 19mm in size.

Queen bees can lay up to 2500 eggs per day in the summer months and can live from anywhere between 9 months up to 5 years. Bees have 4 stages in their lives; egg, larvae, pupae and adult.
Bee Fact Sheet
Infestation Identification:
Honey Bee: They have 3 pairs of legs, 4 wings and 5 eyes, are 9mm to 18mm in size and are mainly black and golden yellow in colour.
Bumblebee: These bees are very similar to the honey bee but are 11mm to 33mm in size, which is larger and furrier than the honey bee with golden yellow stripes on the end of their tails.
Solitary Bee: They are again very similar to the honey and bumblebee and are between 6mm to 19mm in size.
Common Names:
Apis Mellifera (Honey Bee)
Bombus Sp (Bumblebee)
Andrena Fulva (Solitary Bee)
All bees feed on honey which they make from the nectar they collect. Future queens are fed Royal Jelly which is produced by the young female worker bees.
Honey bees live in nests or hives, there are 3 types of bee in each group which are; the queen bee, workers and drones, they will usually be found in chimneys, roofs, wall cavities, hollow trees and other similar places.
Bumblebees make nests or hives in holes in the ground, under sheds, in roofs and wall cavities and similar places.
Solitary bees live alone, hence their name, they will build nests near each other in places such as; air bricks, soft mortar or sandy soil.
There is no way to prevent bees completely but it is advisable to check for small holes in external walls, roofing and in the ground. Any small holes should be sealed to prevent nest building.
Life Cycle:
Queen bees can lay up to 2500 eggs per day in the summer months and can live from anywhere between 9 months up to 5 years. Bees have 4 stages in their lives; egg, larvae, pupae and adult.
General Information:
The use of pesticides is reducing the population of bees who are the pollinators of our fruits, vegetables and flowers.
We do not carry out treatments for bees, unless they are causing a serious health risk. It is recommended that bees are removed by a bee keeper who will usually come and remove the bees free of charge and without harming them. Bee keepers can be found on the British Bee Keepers Association website.
Quick Facts:
There are over 200 species of bees in the UK.
Their rear legs have stiff hairs to store pollen in flight.
Bees transfer pollen between the male and female parts of plants, allowing seeds to grow.
Their wings beat 200 times per second.
Bees are not a protected species but are endangered.
Queen bees can live up to 5 years.
Bees have 4 stages in their lives; egg, larvae, pupae and adult.
Bees have 5 eyes.
Bees will not sting unless they feel under threat.
The queen bee can lay up to 2500 eggs per day.